Tragedy in Jaburo 22 : Bandai 1/144 Z’Gok

I get on with the most difficult work of this project finally.

When Ihave hollowed out Mono Eye shield, I did not think anything about work after.

However, even consider how to make the Mono Eye shield later, I have not considered a good idea, it was troubled very much.

And I had to put off making the Mono Eye shield until now, but it is not possible to complete the project if I do not clear this problem, so I start working.

 I made the pattern using the paper first.Then I cut a thin transparent sheet to fit on the pattern.(I used a cell for animation.) I have fixed the cell to the frame using the clip, and I bonded using the super glue (gel type) one by one.



It became like this.


 Well, it is not bad.

However, I have to paint the shield to clear-black.  And, when I tried to remove the head, the shield was out from the head part. I think adhesion was insufficient.

Then, the other ideas came out. I replaced clear cell to tint film for auto, and use glue-gun insted of super glue.




Tint film is already dark, and looks really better than before.



I tried to turn on the LED.


I think it is good at this time.


Major concern has been resolved finally.

I think next is going to start the electrical work.